A jaded salaryman, Kelvin lives a separate existence from his cheerful condo security guard. But a devastating illness forces Kelvin to...
A jaded salaryman, Kelvin lives a separate existence from his cheerful condo security guard. But a devastating illness forces Kelvin to...
At the height of the global AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, Singapore received its first reported case of a HIV-positive patient...
Cannonball is an experimental road music film following the gonzo journey of Frank and Lily, partners by chance and circumstance, in...
Social and cultural tensions threaten to divide the inhabitants of a Singaporean estate. A lift technician, Chen, dies in an unfortunate...
FILM: Waiting Room DIRECTOR: Nicole Midori Woodford SYNOPSIS: Waiting Room tells the story of Tommy Yu, a man who opens up...
FILM: Ali Baba DIRECTOR: Randy Ang SYNOPSIS: In 1997, journalist Augustine Pang broke the news of an illegal immigrant left for...
FILM: One At A Time DIRECTOR: Daniel Yam SYNOPSIS: After being asked to retire at 86, Teresa Hsu continued her charity...
FILM: Buddy DIRECTOR: Jason Lee SYNOPSIS: Hidayat is an 8-year-old boy tasked to be a buddy to his classmate, Tam, and...
FILM: Shelter DIRECTOR: Sean Ng SYNOPSIS: As Singapore strived in the 90s, a family gets driven out of their home for...