Korean Movies Focus on North Korean Defectors1 min read
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAs the winner of 9 awards at various international film festivals, “The Journals of Musan” is quietly making its impression on the audience back home. It is about the life of a North Korean defector.
[Interview : ] “I am a defector from North Korea.”
Jeon Seung-chul , the protagonist, is a North Korean defector who earns his living by pasting posters around the city.
He fled to South Korea with hopes and dreams, only to find a heartless society.
What is it about this movie that touches the hearts of audiences across the world[Interview : Park Jung-bum, Director] “The movie is based on the life of Jeon Seung-chul, who was my junior at college. I hope that the movie does not elicit any sympathy or pity from the audience. I think it was well-received at international film festivals because the audience felt that the story of the alienated in Korea reflected their own reality.”